
We guarantee your 100% satisfaction with our products. Our guarantee gives you 100% satisfaction with our products. If you're not satisfied, you get a prompt refund or replacement of your unused forms. If you're not satisfied, please contact us as soon as you possibly can so that we can replace your forms or issue a refund as quickly as possible.

Our guarantee covers the quality of our printing and the materials we use. We respectfully do not provide refunds for spelling errors that you type, any errors in your artwork and any errors in the text and graphics on an order for which you approved a proof. If you made a mistake such as choosing the wrong size, color, material, we ask that you own that error. If you can't, let us know.

When you are not satisfied with an order, please Email Customer Service, call 404-317-5266, or fill out the contact form below. We will provide instructions for returning your order.